BeeSewcialville - M-R Charbonneau
BeeSewcialville - M-R Charbonneau
Inspiration: The prompt was “Direction".” I asked my beemates to make a neighbourhood using values of one colour against a gray background. The neighbourhood needed to have a way in and a way out so I could connect them to others to build our village. A light gray background was for water and medium or dark for land. To quilt it, I used a grid on the diagonal as our map lines and added topographical lines for elevation. Welcome to our quilting oasis!
Quilting: M-R Charbonneau
Size: 82” x 89”
Contributors: Leanne Chahley, Felicity Ronaghan, Stephanie Ruyle, Karen Foster, Debbie Jeske, Kari Vojtechovsky, Anne Sullivan, Hillary Goodwin, Marci Debetaz
Shows and Awards:
The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022
Other: Completed 2020
Artist: M-R Charbonneau, @quiltmatters, quiltmatters.blogspot.com