BeeCoders - M-R Charbonneau

BeeCoders - M-R Charbonneau

Inspiration: Inspired by female codebreakers during World War II, this quilt marries the traditional art of quilting and modern design to honor their hidden work. Beemates provided Underground Railroad blocks, morse, semaphore, binary, QR, and other codes. There are 23 coded messaged to be found in this quilt - in the blocks, the layout (Fibonacci), the backing, the quilting (take a flash photo), and even the binding. The QR and bar codes work, give them a try!

Quilting: M-R Charbonneau

Size: 72” x 91”

Contributors: Leanne Chahley, Felicity Ronaghan, Stephanie Ruyle, Karen Foster, Debbie Jeske, Kari Vojtechovsky, Anne Sullivan, Marci Debetaz, Silvia Sutters, M-R Charbonneau

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Canadian Quilters Association National Juried Show - 2021

Other: Completed 2019

Artist: M-R Charbonneau, @quiltmatters,